EPIC: Ben Shapiro Schools California Politicians on ‘Hate Speech’
Conservative activist Ben Shapiro knows about hate speech first hand; his recent appearance at UC Berkley was violently protested by Antifa and other radical groups who ignored law enforcement and did their best to restrict Shapiro from speaking or appearing at all.
Shapiro gave testimony to a California committee that was convened to cover hate speech; the video below features his scathing testimony on how the state defines hate speech and how conservatives are not protected in the same way as leftist groups in the state.
“Your job obviously here at the legislature is to ensure that our freedom of expression is maintained that our First Amendment rights are maintained,” Shapiro said. “What that means first and foremost in my experience on college campuses, is that the heckler’s veto must be stopped.”
The phrase “heckler’s veto” refers to the use of violence or other tactics to prevent someone from speaking. The heckler’s veto is a favored tactic of Antifa, who will cheerfully resort to violence against bystanders, attendees, law enforcement or speakers themselves to prevent conservatives from being heard.
When Shapiro visited Cal State in February 2016, protestors did their best to cause a riot and prevent his speech, disregarding law enforcement and physically assaulting those in attendance. Shapiro went on to state that the California legislature should not be able to define what hate speech is and to point out their bias in determining the factors that make up their proposed definitions of both free speech and hate speech.
Get the full scoop and details by watching the video below.
~ Liberty Video News

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