Disney Deletes Jesus from A Wrinkle in Time
There is a war on Christianity being waged by left-wing politicians, liberal media entities, and academia. Many Christian conservatives think of it as a spiritual battle. That is to say, it is an effect of the war between good and evil. If you’re a person of faith, and have been paying attention… and have read at least a little history, then this reading of current events is not unreasonable.
Of course, there are other reasons why politicians — particularly those with Marxist and socialist leanings, would like to do away with Christianity. Christian values are not compatible with deference to the state. Sure, there are plenty of Christians who will tell you that God appoints our leaders, and therefore we must obey the law of the land, but that’s a pretty callow perspective. Certainly, the God of the Bible does not want people to obey their leaders when they are being herded into immorality.
But Christianity, as well as Buddhism, it’s worth noting, instruct the believer to follow the light of reason. That means the dictator loses power. But there’s more. Property rights and the belief in the sovereignty of the individual are also Christian values that stand in the way of central planning-based systems of government.
Because of this, we see Christianity being cut out of mainstream media. Amazon’s Alexa refers to Christ as a fictional character, but calls Mohammad a historical figure.
In keeping with this push to eliminate Christianity from the idea-o-sphere, Disney has mutilated the Story of A Wrinkle in Time by creating a Jesus-free film adaptation. Rebel Media has more below.
~ Liberty Video News

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