Diane Feinstein Flips on Immigration
In spite of the fact that the Democratic party has been led by the same group of career politicians for decades now, the policies and priorities of both the party and individual politicians within it have flipped in a major way. Nowhere is this more evident than the issue of illegal immigration.
Following the controversy of Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy on illegal immigration as well as his entire stance on illegal immigration since running for President, the entirety of the Democratic party has come out in opposition of Trump’s immigration policies and have embraced open borders and complete amnesty. However, it wasn’t that long ago that this was not the case.
In a throwback video published by One America News, Sen. Diane Feinstein can be seen talking about the importance of enforcing our borders and the dangers that an unchecked flood of illegal immigrants presents to our nation. Today, though, Feinstein is one of the leading champions of illegal immigration, leading one to question whether it was her, her party, or both that changed their position so dramatically in the past twenty years.
Whatever the case may be, videos such as this demonstrate just how much the Democratic party has changed their view for the worse in regards to illegal immigration. To see how Diane Feinstein – the current champion of open borders – once called for the importance of securing our borders and curbing illegal immigration, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Liberty Video News

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