CNN’s Latest Fake Report With Stormy’s Creepy Lawyer
Do remember the days when the news came on only once or twice a day and when it did, they ran those expensive logos and authoritative music that just struck a heck of a compelling tone? Do you remember when the nightly news was the best source of information anyone had access to, when their word was final, and to disagree with Tom Brokaw made you a weirdo?
Well, those days are long gone. Today’s public is defined as two battling factions, one who clings to their precious sources of authority and one who looks to new and better news sources.
Now, we don’t like to use foul language here at Liberty Video News, but let it be sufficient to say that CNN is best described using a long series of unpleasant words that would get a fifth grader sent to the principle’s office on first utterance.
CNN has been caught faking so many news reports and using shady debate tactics with their guests that it’s really become the biggest joke on TV. It all starts back in the days of the first Gulf War when someone leaked footage of bogus CNN footage taken in front of a badly constructed stage. Since then, they have not slowed down the BS train one iota.
The latest example is subtle, but irrefutably bullhonkery.
Here’s Mark Dice with CNN’s latest piece of fake news.
~ Liberty Video News

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