Candace Owens Schools Lebron James
Oh, you like Liberty Video News? You must be a big fat racist. You must think slavery was great and that we should go back to it because you think America is great and should be returned to her former splendor. Maybe you think the middle class shouldn’t give up a quarter of their earnings to pay for the subsistence handouts for black Americans who have been tricked into believing conservatives want to force them to pick cotton. You must believe people deserve to keep to fruits of their labor because you are really just a selfish, entitled, white person who doesn’t want to pay for the welfare state.
Are you sick of being talked down to by so-called progressive liberals who have no interest in understanding conservative arguments? Are you entirely fed up with being accused of wanting to enslave minorities just because you want to keep the money you earn and spend it how you like?
Well, it might help you to know that the Democrats were the only people who owned slaves prior to the Civil War. It might embolden you to know that the great shift of the parties never happened. And you might breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the Democratic party was the party of segregation, the Jim Crow laws, and the KKK. That’s right, the Left owns racism in America. That’s why they are so desperate to push their guilt off on Donald Trump and his supporters.
Here’s Fox News with Candice Owens on CNN’s manipulation of Lebon James.
~ Liberty Video News

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