CA Senate Bans Gender Pronouns, Breaks Rule Immediately
Listen guys, okay? Gender is like totally a spectrum, and if you think it isn’t, then you’re like totally a Nazi and stuff. That means that there are like way-tons of genders and everything, really! Not only that, but there are literally an unlimited amount of genders within the gender spectrum.
So if you’re bored of being like a dude bro, or a basic Nancy — then you can just be a Brancy or a Nanbruud or WHATEVER! It’s really up to you because you can identify as whatever you think would freak your parents out… I mean, whatever you feel like.
But wait, gyz — because it gets even better. Not only can you be any freaking thing you claim to feel like, even a chartreuse, reptilian, space fruit, but anyone who talks to you about you has to use the gender pronoun that you made up for yourself. Serious!
That means, if your chosen pronoun is “Trippy Sea-Slap Captain Slow Pants Dancer,” then everyone around you has to use your pronoun. And if any Nazi jackass refuses to use your pronoun, they can get in big trouble. Pretty cool right?
So, the super progressive lawmakers in California have decided to hold themselves accountable to trans-justice and make gender binary pronouns like totally against a law! Of course, they couldn’t keep it up, and broke their own law like, instantly. But at least they tried!
Here’s the totally regressive and super Hitlerian Liberty Hound with more on this like epic-level transphobic story.
~ Liberty Video News

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