Beto O’Rourke’s Latest “Rally” Was Very Embarrassing
While campaigning for the Senate in the 2018 midterms, Beto O’Rourke assured voters that he had no intention to run for President in 2020 regardless of whether or not he won his bid for Senate. A few months later, that assurance is looking quite shaky. Although Beto labeled his recent rally as a protest against Trump, both Democrats and Republicans alike saw it for what it was – a campaign rally for a 2020 run.
Unfortunately for Beto and his supporters, it was also one of the most hilariously embarrassing campaign rallies in recent history. Beto chose to kick things off with a performance from an all-female mariachi band. One would think that this sets the bar pretty low for the rest of the rally, but things only got worse once Beto took the stage. His entire demeanor throughout the rally came across as disingenuous, overly emotional, and, at times, a little creepy.
During the midterm elections, Beto pandered hard to the Latino vote, and this is a strategy he seems to be continuing with despite the fact that he is an Irishman born in the United States. Beto never went as far as Elizabeth Warren did in an attempt to leverage identity politics, but he did change the pronunciation of his name in order to better resonate with Latino voters. It is this sort of fraud that cast shadows over Beto’s rally and will likely cast shadows across his eventual campaign.
To learn more about what made Beto O’Rourke’s campaign rally so embarrassing, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Liberty Video News

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