Ben Shapiro: The Constitution’s Age Does NOT Matter
Something you hear from progressives time and time again is that the United States is holding itself back by adhering to a centuries-old document — a document written by and for individuals who held very different values than we do today.
Many progressives take this line of a reasoning a step further. They suggest that, because people like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and other larger than life icons of the day did things like hold slaves, that they are their moral superiors. Because of this, every word they penned is invalid. Why should Americans today be beholden to the words of backwards racists?
Those of us with a more nuanced understanding of history know that it is more complicated than that. This doesn’t excuse the legacy of slavery in America. It does, however, explain that people lived in the context of their time. An evil deed does not cancel out an act of brilliance — namely the American experiment.
So, the next time you’re arguing with someone who believes the Constitution is irrelevant because it comes from a dated time, take some points from what Ben Shapiro says below.

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