Ben Shapiro on the Stunning Hypocrisy of Michael Avenatti
We tried to find the cultural origins for the name, Avenatti, and as far as we can tell — it means ‘what comes around goes around.’ And there’s no one more deserving of a bit of cosmic retribution than Michael Avenatti.
The Creepy Porn Lawyer has been a regular face on such ongoing sham operations as CNN and MSDNC. He’s functioned as the head of the ‘lawfare’ wing of the Democratic movement to peel Trump out of the White House like a dyspeptic otter peeling the meat out of a clam. But, unfortunately for them, the mind of the universe seems to be on Trump’s side.
Avenatti first made the scene as Sloppy Daniels’ sloppy lawyer in the dubious case of some-such-what and nonsense. Then, the bald litigator led the legal efforts behind the extremely unsubstantiated case against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. We all know how that turned out.
The blatant dishonesty from the Democrats in the Kavanaugh case has made it glaringly plain that they are out for power at any cost. Practically no one with a conscience sides with the Dems anymore, and they have Avenatti to blame for most if not all of it.
So now, cosmic justice is coming back to haunt the Creepy Porn lawyer. He has been accused of domestic violence, and unlike the Kavanaugh case — there’s tons of evidence against him. Here’s Ben Shapiro with the story.
~ Liberty Video News

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