New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a goofball with two capital ‘O’s. She’s been going around saying stuff that’s so nuts, so off the wall, and just plain dumb that she’s making Nancy Pelosi seem level-headed.
For a start, she’s been doubling down on the “I’m the most socialist person in the room” stuff ever since Trump gave his amazing SOTU address.
Ocasio-Cortez been going around talking about how under her Green New Deal, people who were unwilling to work will get a living wage. Well, what if the people you intend to tax heavily in order to fund this program decide they don’t want to work, crazy eyes?
Then there’s this idea of hers that we’re going to replace all air travel with electric trains. That’s right — electric trains going across the Atlantic Ocean… the Pacific Ocean! Are you kidding? Why don’t we just build an elevator to the moon? The Transformers did it. Why can’t we?
The former bartender has been so busy defending her crazy ideas and deleting some of her craziest ideas from her website that it was inevitable that she would have contradicted herself a couple of times.
Here’s The DC Shorts with some of these contradictions.
~ Liberty Video News

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