Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A Scentific Genius
Here’s something you right wing, honkies need to understand — if your facts get in the way of our feelings, your facts are bad. It isn’t that they are wrong, we’re not concerned about that- it’s that they are bad.
You see, it’s simple. Things that do harm are bad. Having our view of the world disrupted by bad facts is harm. Therefore, harmful facts are bad. That means, if you go around propounding bad facts, that’s hate. It’s hate because you know bad facts hurt us, and yet you say them anyway. That’s why you are a meanie, and a doody head. And that’s why your red hats are stinky with doodoo on them.
If you can’t understand that one simple thing, then you can’t understand why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a freaking super star with puppy eyes. After all, if she gets her adorable way, then everything will be free to everyone in the future. Why can’t you understand that? Don’t you see that if everything is free then no one will ever have to pay for anything? Not even sandwiches! Of course, crackers in the midwest will have to pay for our sandwiches, because we think they look like scary people in movies. So that’s cool, right?
Anyway, Here’s Ben Shapiro using his hate facts against our adorable Congresswoman from Fantasia.
~ Liberty Video News
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