A Year in the Life of Trump’s First Term
There were some pretty interesting happenings on the one year anniversary of President Trump’s historic win: protesters across the country took to the streets to howl at the sky in protest.
Sound like an odd science fiction movie? Unfortunately, it’s all too real — and many liberal snowflakes decided to post their rage on social media.
In a year of ups and downs that started with mainstream media meltdowns on election night as they realized how the vote was ultimately going to go and is ending with useless screams of rage, there’s been a lot of great work happening at the White House.
The Good
Judicial appointments have been moving along at a record clip, with President Trump starting off the year with a concrete victory by pushing through an appointment for Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.
Trump’s campaign promises to bomb ISIS into oblivion were made good in October when U.S.-backed forces were able to retake control of Raqqa, Syria. President Trump’s appointees to the Environment Protection Agency and other key departments continue to shrink government bloat.
While he hasn’t quite managed to drain the swamp as of yet, there is some serious runoff happening.
The Bad
President Trump’s initiatives haven’t all been stellar wins, however. With no healthcare reform, no tax reform and no true infrastructure changes, many of the President’s agenda items seem to be stalled.
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un has been at the forefront of concerns around weapons of mass destruction. Missile tests continue over Japan with no end in sight. There have been multiple high-profile exits from the Cabinet and West Wing, most notably Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn and Sean Spicer — while others barely lasted long enough for us to recall their name (Anthony Scaramucci, anyone?)
Overall, President Trump’s first year was not unexpected. He was able to come away with some big wins, a few losses and plenty of work left to do in the coming years.
~ Liberty Video News
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